The Visible College

Photo by US Coast Guard photographer Shell R. Alpert (1952), via U-2s, UFOs, and Project Blue Book ·

We are a volunteer group of scholars conducting and promoting serious research into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and related topics.

Our work has been underway at various levels for some time now, but we have just begun to work together publicly.

Our mission

Our goal is to produce, collaborate on, curate, and share high quality research and educational materials that enable other researchers, policymakers, and the public to better understand this complex topic.

We do not advocate for any particular conclusions, nor do we make any claims to exclusive knowledge or authority. Our group is bound only by our common commitment to open-minded, rigorous inquiry, and by our belief that the best way to make progress is to work together, in the open.

Visit the About page for more.

Our projects

The Visible College is leading and contributing to a variety of research projects and educational events across the global academic community. We will share more details in months to come, but some basic outlines of current work in progress can be found on our Projects page.

Our people

We are compiling a list of scholars and other subject matter experts (including but not limited to members of The Visible College) doing serious work in UAP studies and adjacent fields. Visit the People page for more information.